- ジュリー・アン・ハンプ(55)
- Julie Ann Hamp
- トヨタ
- 常務
- 麻薬密輸
- オキシコドン
トヨタの米国人女性役員、麻薬輸入容疑で逮捕 容疑否認
トヨタに初の外国人副社長と女性役員誕生 グループ企業からも役員
2015年 03月 4日 19:35 JST
[東京 4日 ロイター] - トヨタ自動車 は4日、4月以降の新役員体制を発表した。欧州法人トヨタ・モーター・ヨーロッパ社長のディディエ・ルロワ専務役員(57)を副社長に昇格させる。6月の株主総会で正式決定する。
米国出身のハンプ氏は今後もグローバルでの広報・渉外部門を統括する。広報部門のキャリアが長く、「ペプシコーラ」で知られる米ペプシコ のCCOや米ゼネラル・モーターズ の欧州地域でのコミュニケーション部門副社長を務めた経験がある。
レイノルズ氏はアフリカ系米国人で、これまで主に法務を担当しトヨタを支えてきた。2007年にトヨタに入社する以前は、米国連邦検事局での経験を持つほか、米モルガン・ルイス&バッキアス法律事務所のパートナーを務めていた。 現在トヨタには会長から常務役員まで取締役を含めて57人いるが、このうち外国人は社外取締役1人を含む7人。新体制では58人のうち9人が外国人となる。 一方、副社長の役割も変更する。これまでは執行責任者として担当組織の業務執行を統括してきたが、新体制では意思決定の迅速化のためその役割を専務以下の役員に委ね、副社長は中長期での経営上の意思決定と執行監督に集中する。
<グループ企業からも役員迎え入れ> トヨタは主要グループ企業からも役員を初めて迎え入れる。専務役員にアイシン精機 の水島寿之副社長が、常務役員にデンソー の奥地弘章常務役員が4月1日付で就任する。現在、水島氏は生産系、奥地氏は技術系の役員で、グループの連携を強化する。
Toyota executive Hamp arrested in Japan on suspected painkiller-delivery violation
Julie Hamp, a former GM executive, was the first woman to join the top executive ranks at Toyota.
From staff and wire reports
Automotive News
June 18, 2015 - 6:52 am ET -- UPDATED: 6/18/15 8:28 am ET - adds police report
TOKYO -- Toyota Motor Corp.'s head of public relations, an American and its first female top executive, was arrested Thursday on a suspected violation of Japan's drug laws for sending a painkiller through the mail, Tokyo police said.
Toyota Managing Officer and Chief Communications Officer Julie Hamp, who was appointed to her post in April, told police she did not think she had imported an illegal substance, a spokesman for Tokyo's Metropolitan Police Department said.
A Toyota spokeswoman said the company was aware of the report and was checking on the facts of the matter.
The police spokesman said Oxycodone was sent via international mail from the United States to Tokyo's Narita Airport. He added that only specially designated parties were allowed to import the drug under Japanese law.
Hamp, a former General Motors executive, was the first woman to join the executive ranks at Toyota when she was appointed to her position in April.
Public broadcaster NHK said she was arrested at a Tokyo hotel.
Conflicting laws
Japan’s strict drug enforcement laws are often at odds with those of the United States. It is illegal to bring in even over-the-counter drugs common in the U.S., including such cold medicines as Sudafed or Actifed.
The differing standards can be a rude awakening to unsuspecting Americans. The Web site for the U.S. Embassy in Japan has a special section on Japan’s stringent laws, warning Americans to also exercise caution when having medicines mailed to them from abroad. “If you fail to follow Japanese law, you may be arrested and detained,” it says.
Earlier this year, Japanese authorities arrested an aspiring English teacher from Oregon, after her mother mailed her a packet of Adderall to treat attention deficit disorder. According to local media reports, the woman’s mother is a physician and issued the prescription but sent it in an unmarked package for privacy reasons.
Japan prohibits Adderall as a stimulant, even though it is available by prescription in the United States.
The woman was detained for 18 days and released only after members of Congress and U.S. Ambassador Caroline Kennedy, the daughter of former President John F. Kennedy, intervened on her behalf, reports said.
The woman later said she was shocked by the arrest and didn’t know about Japan’s Adderall ban. But she told The Oregonian newspaper the detention facility was “not anything terrifying,” according to the Associated Press wire service.
That report said she was fed bento box meals during her detention at the center and did daily chores.
Reuters and Hans Greimel of Automotive News contributed to this report.
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- トヨタに外国人女性の役員がいたとは知らなかったけど、いきないこんな大騒ぎで驚くしかない。容疑は麻薬密輸だが、きっと何かの間違いでしょう。
トヨタの米国人女性役員、麻薬輸入容疑で逮捕 容疑否認
トヨタに初の外国人副社長と女性役員誕生 グループ企業からも役員
2015年 03月 4日 19:35 JST
[東京 4日 ロイター] - トヨタ自動車 は4日、4月以降の新役員体制を発表した。欧州法人トヨタ・モーター・ヨーロッパ社長のディディエ・ルロワ専務役員(57)を副社長に昇格させる。6月の株主総会で正式決定する。
米国出身のハンプ氏は今後もグローバルでの広報・渉外部門を統括する。広報部門のキャリアが長く、「ペプシコーラ」で知られる米ペプシコ のCCOや米ゼネラル・モーターズ の欧州地域でのコミュニケーション部門副社長を務めた経験がある。
レイノルズ氏はアフリカ系米国人で、これまで主に法務を担当しトヨタを支えてきた。2007年にトヨタに入社する以前は、米国連邦検事局での経験を持つほか、米モルガン・ルイス&バッキアス法律事務所のパートナーを務めていた。 現在トヨタには会長から常務役員まで取締役を含めて57人いるが、このうち外国人は社外取締役1人を含む7人。新体制では58人のうち9人が外国人となる。 一方、副社長の役割も変更する。これまでは執行責任者として担当組織の業務執行を統括してきたが、新体制では意思決定の迅速化のためその役割を専務以下の役員に委ね、副社長は中長期での経営上の意思決定と執行監督に集中する。
<グループ企業からも役員迎え入れ> トヨタは主要グループ企業からも役員を初めて迎え入れる。専務役員にアイシン精機 の水島寿之副社長が、常務役員にデンソー の奥地弘章常務役員が4月1日付で就任する。現在、水島氏は生産系、奥地氏は技術系の役員で、グループの連携を強化する。
Toyota executive Hamp arrested in Japan on suspected painkiller-delivery violation
Julie Hamp, a former GM executive, was the first woman to join the top executive ranks at Toyota.
From staff and wire reports
Automotive News
June 18, 2015 - 6:52 am ET -- UPDATED: 6/18/15 8:28 am ET - adds police report
TOKYO -- Toyota Motor Corp.'s head of public relations, an American and its first female top executive, was arrested Thursday on a suspected violation of Japan's drug laws for sending a painkiller through the mail, Tokyo police said.
Toyota Managing Officer and Chief Communications Officer Julie Hamp, who was appointed to her post in April, told police she did not think she had imported an illegal substance, a spokesman for Tokyo's Metropolitan Police Department said.
A Toyota spokeswoman said the company was aware of the report and was checking on the facts of the matter.
The police spokesman said Oxycodone was sent via international mail from the United States to Tokyo's Narita Airport. He added that only specially designated parties were allowed to import the drug under Japanese law.
Hamp, a former General Motors executive, was the first woman to join the executive ranks at Toyota when she was appointed to her position in April.
Public broadcaster NHK said she was arrested at a Tokyo hotel.
Conflicting laws
Japan’s strict drug enforcement laws are often at odds with those of the United States. It is illegal to bring in even over-the-counter drugs common in the U.S., including such cold medicines as Sudafed or Actifed.
The differing standards can be a rude awakening to unsuspecting Americans. The Web site for the U.S. Embassy in Japan has a special section on Japan’s stringent laws, warning Americans to also exercise caution when having medicines mailed to them from abroad. “If you fail to follow Japanese law, you may be arrested and detained,” it says.
Earlier this year, Japanese authorities arrested an aspiring English teacher from Oregon, after her mother mailed her a packet of Adderall to treat attention deficit disorder. According to local media reports, the woman’s mother is a physician and issued the prescription but sent it in an unmarked package for privacy reasons.
Japan prohibits Adderall as a stimulant, even though it is available by prescription in the United States.
The woman was detained for 18 days and released only after members of Congress and U.S. Ambassador Caroline Kennedy, the daughter of former President John F. Kennedy, intervened on her behalf, reports said.
The woman later said she was shocked by the arrest and didn’t know about Japan’s Adderall ban. But she told The Oregonian newspaper the detention facility was “not anything terrifying,” according to the Associated Press wire service.
That report said she was fed bento box meals during her detention at the center and did daily chores.
Reuters and Hans Greimel of Automotive News contributed to this report.
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