


  1. オウンゴールなんてよくあることだ。いつどこで顔を出す可能性がある。ただ、ボールに絡まない人にはオウンゴールは出来ない。ぎりぎりまで頑張った時のご褒美が神様の悪戯でオウンゴールにされる。今回はキーパーも手が届かないスーパー級のオウンゴール。しかもセミファイナルのロスタイムで。歴史に残るだろう。それは彼女の名誉として。

Soccer Fans Everywhere Rally Around A Heartbroken Laura Bassett

The Huffington Post  |  By Maxwell Strachan

Posted: 07/02/2015 1:44 pm EDT Updated: 07/02/2015 1:59 pm EDT

Heartbreak overwhelmed the English women’s national team Wednesday after the team lost 2-1 to Japan in the semifinal of the Women’s World Cup. But it particularly overwhelmed Laura Bassett, the English defender responsible for the own goal that cost her team a trip to the finals.

It was the first own goal to ever occur during injury time in the Women’s World Cup, according to SportsCenter, and Bassett was understandably inconsolable.


England's Jo Potter (L) consoles teammate Bassett after she scored an own goal in the last minutes of the game. (Credit: Getty Images)

But something sort of nice happened after the game ended. Rather than coming at Bassett with spite and hate, with ugliness and insults, with mockery and derision, soccer players and soccer fans alike came at Bassett with something else: kindness.

“Laura should be remembered as an absolute hero,” Mark Sampson, the team’s head coach, said after the game. “People will remember the Laura Bassett who headed, blocked and tackled.” By the look of things, they actually will.


